Denial Management Software for Hospitals

Slash denial rates, boost revenue streams, and prioritize patient care without delays.

Trusted by Top Health Systems

Denial Management Starts in the ED

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AdmissionCare automates the process of medical necessity documentation for hospital admissions for proactive denial prevention in the ED, optimizing revenue recovery and operational efficiency at the point of care.

Why Choose AdmissionCare?

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Preventative Denial Management

Embed evidence-based MCG criteria directly into the ED workflow to inform bed status decisions upfront and reduce denial risks.

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Streamlined Clinical Decision-Making

Equip physicians with real-time guidelines in their EHR to make informed admission decisions aligned with insurance requirements.

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Optimize Hospital Revenue

Minimize denial-related revenue loss by stopping claim denials preemptively rather than addressing them reactively.

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Key Features of AdmissionCare

Physician-Centric Approach

Places decision power in the hands of clinicians, reducing reliance on post-care revenue cycle interventions.

EHR-Integrated Workflow

Seamlessly integrates with EHR to streamline data access and documentation.

Actionable Reporting & Insights

Provides actionable KPIs into denial trends and performance metrics, empowering proactive management.

What Our Clients Say

“We believe the work your team is doing is superior! It has helped with many workflow issues and denials reduction!"

Sr Dir of Revenue CycleLarge Northeast Health System

"AdmissionCare is very simple, easy, and user-friendly."

CMIOLarge National Health System

"We're seeing the best observation rates of the entire year using AdmissionCare."

Hospitalist LeadLarge Southeast Health System

Want to see how you can minimize denials, improve medical necessity documentation, and increase your revenue streams?

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What is denial management software?

What is denial management software?

Denial management software is a specialized tool used by healthcare organizations and hospitals to streamline the process of identifying, managing, and resolving denied medical claims.

How does AdmissionCare prevent claim denials?

How does AdmissionCare prevent claim denials?

AdmissionCare prevents claim denials by ensuring accurate patient documentation and bed status placement from the start, which reduces errors and rework and improves the likelihood of claim approval.

What is the denial management process in healthcare?

What is the denial management process in healthcare?

The denial management process in healthcare includes:

A. Identifying denied claims and assessing appeal potential.

B. Gathering necessary documentation and corrections.

C. Drafting and submitting formal appeal letters.

D. Monitoring the status of appeals and following up.

E. Analyzing outcomes to improve processes and reduce future denials.

How does AdmissionCare's denial management software benefit hospitals?

How does AdmissionCare’s denial management software benefit hospitals?

Hospitals can expect several benefits from implementing AdmissionCare’s denial management software:

A. Improved claim accuracy and compliance reduce the number of denied claims.

B. More claims are successfully appealed and paid, boosting revenue.

C. Automated workflows and streamlined processes save time and reduce manual effort.

D. Ensures adherence to payer requirements, reducing the risk of compliance issues.