Training Materials

Why Use CareGauge?

  • Empower physicians with real-time data and insights within your EHR workflow.
  • Shows how a current patient’s care compares to historical patients at your hospital with the same condition.
  • Insights on utilization of imaging, labs, medications, procedures, as well as length-of-stay and costs of care.

Quick Start

Tips & Tricks

Quick Start: PDF

Additional Resources… for our high achievers 😉

Additional Tips & Tricks

What are DRGs?: PDF

Epic Launch Points: PDF

Frequently Asked Questions: PDF


Clinical Scenarios

Utilization Insights: PDF

Wrong DRG: PDF

Advanced Imaging on day of discharge: PDF

Benefits and Testimonials

CareGauge Product Explainer Video

Founder’s Story – Creating CareGauge with Dr George Fidone

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