Good News

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Good News

Your decisions shape healthcare.
Let good news shape your day!

Thankful & Thriving

July 5, 2024 – Good News Network

A new study that examined over 49,000 older women in the nursing profession found that grateful people have lower rates of early death, regardless of cardiovascular health, smoking, or chronic disease factors.

AI Detects Cancers

June 10, 2024 – Good News Network

After studying mammograms, AI technology helped breast radiologists in Denmark improve screening performance, detect more cancers (0.82% vs. 0.70%), and significantly reduce false positives (1.63% vs. 2.39%).

Oldest Man in Space

May 24, 2024 – Good News Network

Sixty years after being selected by the Air Force as a candidate to become the first African-American astronaut, 90-year-old Edward Dwight fulfilled his dream by blasting off with Blue Origin for a short trip into space.

Largest CO2 Vacuum

May 10, 2024 – Good News Network

Iceland has begun operating the world’s largest vacuum designed to capture carbon emissions. According to the company, this device can remove 4,000 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere annually.

A Real Visionary

April 16, 2024 – Good News Network

An Australian ophthalmologist and biotech entrepreneur envisions a future where curing blindness globally is simple, achieved through advanced cell replication and 3D printing technologies.

Reviving Reefs

Mar 17, 2024 – Good News Network

Researchers found that broadcasting the sounds of a healthy coral reef led to a remarkable 7x increase in coral larvae settlement rates, encouraging new life in damaged reefs.

Boy Beats Tumor

Feb 19, 2024 – Good News Network

A 6-year-old boy, diagnosed with the usually fatal brain stem glioma, defied all odds and became the first child in the world to be cured, offering a beacon of hope in the fight against this brutal cancer.

Otters Save the Day

Feb 3, 2024 – Good News Network

In Central California, sea otters reintroduced to a deteriorated coastline, consumed sufficient crabs to restore ecological balance, leading to a remarkable 90% reduction in erosion.

good news otters