Batara Sakti - Main

Batara Sakti

Software Developer

Batara is a dedicated and passionate Software Developer based in Bandung, Indonesia. He graduated from Sebelas Maret University with a degree in Computer Engineering. With a firm belief that a blend of smart and hard work is the path to achieving ultimate results, Batara emphasizes consistency as the key to success.

Over the years, Batara has accumulated a wealth of experience across various sectors, including the game industry, education, and business. This diverse background has seen him develop a wide array of software, from desktop applications and game consoles to mobile apps and web applications. His experience as a Software QA provides him with a unique perspective on software features and quality. 

Despite having over 12 years of experience, Batara remains as enthusiastic as a child when it comes to learning new things, always excited to explore and grow in his field. In his free time, Batara enjoys cooking and has developed skills in the kitchen, making it one of his cherished hobbies.